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Wedding Venue

Top South Asian Wedding Venues in Texas - Dallas, Houston, Austin

Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering with 50 of your closest friends and family, or a 400-person winter wedding spectacular, your venue is going to serve as the foundation of your planning. This is where you’ll be hosting your major wedding-related events, religious customs, seating your guests, catering food, making space for a dance floor, and much more! Regardless of if you’re hunting on a budget, or ready to spend thousands, your venue will be the place where your loved ones and your carefully curated vision finally come together. From Indian wedding venues to Pakistani wedding venues and other Desi wedding venues, The Desi Bride is here to help you find the best wedding venues in Dallas, Houston, and Austin.


How do I pick a wedding venue for my Desi wedding?

As one of the most important and expensive decisions, there are multiple factors you should consider.


What else should I look for in a wedding venue?

While the above factors are must-haves, we’ve also included some secondary tips, so you make the right decision:


What questions should I ask the venue?

As one of the top expenses of your wedding, transparency on costs and services available at the venue is going to be key here. Primarily, you’ll want to ask if the venue can accommodate and host your must-haves. Following that, examples of important questions include:

Remember, there are no dumb questions. Feel free to inquire away! Venue will most likely be your first and if not most expensive, one of your most expensive, decisions, so it is important to make sure you feel 110% excited and sure about the venue.


How far in advance should I book my venue?

It’s advised that you and your partner begin to scope out venues once you’ve mutually confirmed you’ll be getting married. Wedding Venues are notorious for getting booked months in advance, so you want to begin your process prepared, and early. We recommend booking your venues 8-10 months in advance at minimum. Typically, we would say even longer, but given the pandemic, there has been a lot more uncertainty than there was in the past. We expect there to be continued uncertainty into 2022.


How many hours do I need the venue for a South-Asian wedding?

The answer here will depend on you and your partner’s cultural backgrounds as well as décor dreams. South-Asian weddings vary across Desi states and communities, so this will be an important area for you both to research. Figure out which ceremonies/customs are “must-haves” on either side and plan / timebox accordingly. On average, a Desi ceremony can be from upwards of 2-3 hours, so once you’ve ironed out these details, you’ll be further informed for your venue search. Secondly, think about your décor wants. If you are transforming the entire venue with real flower and bespoke creations, the décor company may ask to have the venue the night before. If you are looking for a more simple setup, the decoration company may just need a couple of hours to set up the mandap, backdrop, and lighting etc. Regardless, you will want the venue for a minimum of 6-8 hours if not longer than that.


How can I negotiate with my venue?

If you’ve found your dream wedding venue, but budget is an issue, one way to cut down on price is to look at day of the week and season (winter, summer, spring, fall). As noted above, Sundays and weekdays tend to be less expensive.

Secondly, you can look at the time of year. Holiday season and weather guide pricing. For example, very few people want to get married outside in the sweltering Texas sun in July. See if your dates are flexible and work with the venue to see when you get a more budget-friendly price.

Finally, venues are less likely to budge significantly on pricing, but you can always ask for what else they might be able to include in your rate – Can they throw in free centerpieces? Can they provide colored linens instead of white ones? Can they extend your venue time by 1-2 hours? Can they throw in free lighting, a projector for your photo slide show, or mics for the emcees? Do they offer a special micro-wedding package if you are planning an intimate wedding?


I really want an outdoor wedding. Is there anything I should be aware of?

We love outdoor weddings – in nature, gorgeous pictures with natural lighting, flowers and lush trees, easy social distancing – but from seeing lots of outdoor weddings, we recommend always going with a venue with a rainproof or weatherproof option. You never know when the skies will decide to bring out the clouds – a couple of drops of last-minute rain can cause unnecessary stress. Tents are an option, but sometimes an expensive option, so know what covered options the venue can offer and if it is a tent, what the pricing will look like.


I would love help finding my dream wedding venue. Where can I find my perfect wedding venue?

The Desi Bride offers its Wedding Venue Concierge services free of charge to match you with the right wedding venue for your Desi wedding. Need a venue that allows a ceremonial fire for Hindu weddings or outside catering so you can serve Indian food or a venue for your intimate, micro-wedding? The Desi Bride will work with you to find the right venue for your big day!


What are the top Desi wedding venues in Texas?

The Desi Bride has curated the top wedding venues in Dallas, Houston, and Austin. Scroll up to find your dream wedding venue today! Click below to find the best wedding venues in Texas:


TIP: Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize! Make a list of ALL your wedding venue ideas and needs (must-haves, nice to haves, and bonuses), and rank them! This will help you evaluate tradeoffs, as you compare the costs to your budget.

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